Help Small Business Stay in Business during COVID19

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Helpsmallbusinesscovid19 01In 2020 we have had fires, floods and now – on that back of that – a pandemic that has caused more economic devastation that anyone could have imagined.

As a small business who works with a vast amount of industries, we are seeing first hand the devastation the Coronavirus pandemic is causing to the economy.

It is not limited to any one industry – we have seen multiple businesses struggle to survive or that have already gone under.

Many of these are businesses that we ALL rely on for the important things in life: cafes, restaurants, pubs, venues, food retailers and catering companies – the spaces that provide us the very respite, nourishment and sense of community that we need from the constant stream of bad news.

We know that many of you want to support them but either:

1. can’t, as they are forced to close, or,

2. don’t want to risk contact with the general public at this time.

So, we want to pitch in and do everything we can to help our partners stay in business.

We are reaching out to our loyal clients – many of you friends and confidantes of the Rogue Team – to help our clients stay in business, through our crowdfunding campaign.

How to help:

Small businesses rely on marketing to get their message out to potential customers. The most effective way, during the current crisis where people are forced to stay at home, is getting a custom message out to those very people’s mailboxes.

Every single donation will directly fund:

  • 3000x A4 to DL brochures or vouchers to communicate with customers on how to order through delivery services, interim menus or a discount voucher to order directly online
  • Distribution to 3000 households in the business’s key service areas

You can choose to donate any amount you like, or directly fund $600 which will give ONE individual small business this entire package.

These efforts will let these businesses customer’s know that they can order their favourite meals online (or with a custom discount) – this will go a HUGE way to keeping their lights on, staff in employment and YOU fed!

Any donation will go DIRECTLY towards print services for our clients. Any amount – even just $10 – will be spent on these costs.

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However, donations over $50 will give you a Rogue Quarantine Survival Kit! We will post this direct to you for free! This kit will give you:

  • 2x high quality Rogue stubbies; and
  • 1x key ring boy. This versatile key ring includes:
  • A measuring ruler, perfect for ensuring other people stay 6ft away from you; and
  • A flash light; and,
  • A bottle opener – to open your stubbies and place in your rogue stubby cooler.

Note – to receive this gift, please include your delivery details in the donation form!

This crowd funding of course helps us, as an independent small business, to stay in business, too, so you’ll have double the feel good factor!

This is a hard time for everyone right now.

By donating to help businesses continue to reach new customers, and stay in business, is so crucial.

We thank everyone for your support of us as your print, design and marketing partner and look forward to continuing to do ALL WE CAN to support all our clients, partners and friends in small business so hard hit right now.

Take care of each other – and our community x

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