An Important (Satirical) Message from Rogue Print & Mail regarding our Covid-19 Action Plan

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Cov19 Action Plan

It should be noted that we take the health and safety of our employees and clients seriously and are following all health authority advice as the situation progresses.

The following is only intended to give everyone a little comic relief, in the typical Rogue style you know and love, and hopefully help in reducing your desire to stockpile toilet paper!

Now onto the serious stuff…..

In order to ensure we can say that we have done what everyone else is doing, and just because we are pretty certain that by writing this post, we can assist in further creating mass panic about the Covid-19 strain of the Flu, we thought we should share our Covid-19 action plan.

At this moment in time, the team at Rogue are curled up in fetal position under our favourite blankets {that we each had sterilized and then brought from home along with our favourite teddy bear}, rocking whilst weeping quietly in absolute fear that the world is going to end – but don’t worry, we are at least 1.5 metres apart from each other in the furthest corners of our production facility.

At a moment’s notice from the WHO and relevant Australian Authorities, we are ready to launch into full blown panic mode and run to our airtight, Corona proof rooms to protect us from one of the 0.0005% of the Australian population who are infected with Covid-19, that might just walk up to us and breathe on us for a full 15 minutes!

RoguestormtroopersDon’t worry, we have built one of the walls of our shelter out of nothing but toilet paper and hand sanitizer that we have managed to stockpile gradually since January, often having to fend off the elderly and less fortunate whilst diving over hoards of people to grab our requirements – so we will all be able to continue going to the toilet and cleaning our hands until this apocalypse {and the next five} passes!

Interesting fact – did you know you can get 391 rolls of 2 ply toilet paper in the tailgate of a Ford Ranger!

That’s some serious carrying capacity!

Once we get the all clear from the military, we will emerge from our shelter, each wearing full gas masks that make us closely resemble Darth Vader and the Storm Troopers, and continue wearing these ongoing – mainly because Nicole and Kathy think that they look pretty awesome!

Of course, throughout all of this, one brave and defiant soul will stand proud and tall and ensure that all your print and design requirements are fulfilled.

Zeus Statue With Toilet Paper For Coronaviruys Outbreak

That heroic individual, who refused to be named as Paul didn’t want himself put on some sort of Zeus style pedestal, will bravely open the doors of Rogue each and every day, risking life and limb, to ensure that our clients are able to assist in keeping the {now very flat} wheels of the Australian Economy turning.

We hope you managed to take a moment to read this and have a laugh – God knows we all need it at present.

If we can assist you with any print and design requirements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We are all here and all working hard to deliver our clients’ requirements.

And you can rest assured that there is no shortage of paper here to meet those requirements!!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Email us at or call on 1300 658 500.

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